WELCOME to SYNCHRONICITY™ -- A Mood-Altering Software Experience
You are now in possession of the best personal strategy/insight game ever created for a personal computer. If you have purchased the product, congratulations! In that case, there is no need to read this file -- but please pass it around with demo copies of Synchronicity (which you can spawn from within the program itself using the Command-C function). Feel free to place demo copies on networks, BBS's, in User Group libraries, etc. And be sure to pop your registration card in the mail in order to receive updates, technical support, and discounts on new products.
••• If You Have a Demo Copy
If you have a demo-mode copy that you downloaded, found on a hard disk, or someone passed on to you, then read on for a better understanding of what you are about to experience. After you decide you want to purchase Synchronicity, all you need to do is visit your favorite software reseller (Egghead Discount Software, Macwarehouse, Softcode and many other retailers). The suggested retail price is $59.95.
Let Your Intuitive Manager Turn Stress Into Strategy
Synchronicity is a mood-altering software experience featuring multi-media effects and eloquent hypertext. This high-order game offers up fresh insight to complement logical decision-making processes. It's surprisingly powerful and it's lots of fun.
You will gain creative perspectives and feeling of mastery, no matter what decision you finally make. As you turn uncertainty into strategy, new opportunities will start falling in your lap. By tapping the power of your intuition, Synchronicity actually guides you to create your own luck.
Synchronicity helps you decide when to make a move, when to keep still, and when to retreat. This will give you skillful timing and success in all relationships -- even office politics!
••• No Faith Necessary
You don't have to believe in anything for Synchronicity to work. You don't have to take its responses literally, or even seriously -- for it's your own interpretation of its provocative feedback that stimulates creative insight. This was validated by the great psychologist, Carl Jung, who researched synchronistic systems for 30 years.
Relax. The Synchronicity experience is a refreshing break that takes only a few minutes. Enjoy a soothing waterfall and the seductive call of Random Frogs™. It's almost like having a Japanese garden inside your Mac.
WARNING: Regular use may be addicting and lead to feelings of superiority.
••• How It Works
Synchronicity is a good-humored and precise way to consult the Book of Changes, the ultimate personal strategy tool. Based on a system of meaningful coincidence, the subconscious mind maps out a pattern, selecting the corresponding hypertext from 266,144 possible archetypes. It's enlightening, easy to use and always a pleasure.
••• Applications
In a good-humored way, the Synchronicity experience will help you:
-- know when to make your move, when to keep still, and when to retreat
-- deal creatively with important relationships
-- become a master negotiator
-- make tough decisions more easily
-- master office politics
-- reduce self-defeating stress
-- have more peace of mind
“Suppose a software product could help you relax, make better decisions, develop creativity, and increase productivity. It's real, it's even legal – it's Synchronicity.” – MacUser Magazine
“A valuable personal tool that's fun to use. I am doubly impressed with Synchronicity for the aesthetic experience. The art is top notch … I recommend this unique software …" – Michael Gosney, Publisher of Verbum: The Journal of Personal Computer Aesthetics
"Despite Synchronicity's (low) price tag, it is not to be taken lightly." – Mac News
“I was startled by its effectiveness … screens are calming and focus one’s attention … an atmosphere of tranquility. I found Synchronicity to work exactly as stated.”– The Apple Dayton Journal
“Just what we've needed in our fast-paced department." – A Fortune 500 mgr. with a site license
Synchronicity has been featured on the nationally syndicated “Computer Chronicles” TV program and American Public Radio's “Marketplace”
We encourage you to use Synchronicity's Fresh-Copy routine (Command-C) to make unnamed "free-trial" copies to share with other Mac users. These run in "Demo-Mode" for 4 times before they lapse into "Advertising Mode." As long as it's a fresh, unnamed Demo-Mode copy, feel free to put in on BBS's or spread it around any way you like. Publish this ReadMe file with it also. This kind of sharing is the right thing to do. If you like the program, we request that you spread demo-mode copies, because word of mouth and user sharing is a form of grass-roots marketing that keeps the prices down for everybody.